By Toyin Falola

Map of Nigeria (via Wikimedia)
(UT History faculty come from all over the world. Here are their stories.)
This Spotlight, this City
In my space and time of growth,
The long metallic snake of screeching hisses
And novel magical magnetic movement
Became a muse of songs and fantasies
Making the urge for voyage ineluctable
And from a tender age I fell for it
Paying with prizes of stigmatization as some alien
But as phoenix from fire and a reversing ram
The urge arose, heightened and strengthened
When I beheld the world reduced to print
History came as another huge impetus
Revealing creeds and tastes beyond imaginations
And so I saw this spotlight of glory and merit
I saw the promise of greater fulfillments
In this city reposing upon a hill
As Winthrop saw the promise of first freedom
Thus I set out to this spotlight, this city
Sailing across the Atlantic, but this time
Up in the sky, in a new model of the Arbella
Also in this series:
Julie Hardwick
Tatjana Lichtenstein
Also by Toyin Falola:
Toyin Falola on Africa and the United States