by Priya Ramamoorthy, Maanasa Nathan, Kavya Ramamoorthy, and Smrithi Mahadevan
In 1972, the U.S. Congress passed Title IX to end discrimination against women in education. This website , which won First Place for Group Website (Junior Division) at National History Day 2012, provides a history of Title IX in three main parts: the changes Title IX brought about, the reactions to Title IX, and its impact on women’s education, especially in athletics.

The authors also provide historical context that brought about Title IX, interviews with major figures who contributed to is passage and implementation, and a discussion of the ways Title IX is still being used to protect women’s rights in education, even Helen Reddy singing “I am Woman” in 1975.
They use interviews, songs, magazine articles, statistics, and much more to give a rich history of Title IX and its impact.
[Note: video seems to work better in Firefox than in Chrome or IE]
Group Interpretive Website
Junior Division
Noel Grisham Middle School
(Teacher: Sheryl Rank)
Photo credits:
All photos courtesy of “Title IX: Empowerment Through Education”