“Muhammad’s Law” in Latin America: Outlining Historiographical Legacies of Early Modern Atlantic Islam
NEP’s Archive Chronicles: Procesados e interrogados. Encontrando las voces de los Yaqui en los archivos judiciales de Sonora
Flawed Assertions and Questionable Evidence: A Critical Examination of Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the United States
Early Modern and Colonial Histories of Globalization: An Interview with Ivonne del Valle, Anna More, and Rachel Sarah O’Toole (Part II)
Teaching Slavery, Possibilities for Historical Restitution, and the Papers of Indigenous Enslaver Rebecca McIntosh Hawkins Hagerty
The Archive as Nepantla: Dr. Daniel Arbino, The Anzaldúa Papers and The Intricacies of Being Beyond Doing
Texas State Historical Association – “Teaching Texas History in an Age of Hyper Partisanship” and “Forgetting and Remembering: Why Does Searching for an Accurate Past Provoke Backlash?”
“Though she wasn’t a man, she was as good as one”: Labor, Seapower, and Nineteenth-Century Seafaring Stewardesses
The War in Afghanistan is Nineteen Years Old: What Can it Teach us about Violence in American History?